New Zealand’s Biodiversity – Unique Nature

New Zealand’s biodiversity makes it one of the most unique places in the world. About 70% of the native species in New Zealand are found nowhere else on earth!

The land that became the present islands of New Zealand broke away from the ancient land mass of Gondwana over 65 million years ago. The isolation of these islands over such a long period of time (along with other factors) allowed the species present to evolve in unique ways. For example, some birds, like the Moa, grew huge and others, such as the Kiwi became flightless. The flora and fauna of New Zealand is unique in many other ways.

New Zealand’s Biodiversity Is Unique

The unique nature of this country is not limited to the birds and insects. All facets of the natural world are unique. Here are just a few examples of how New Zealand’s biodiversity is unique.

new zealand's biodiversity
The Kea is the only alpine parrot in the world.

Unique Birds Of New Zealand

There are about 30 species of birds in New Zealand that are flightless, including the Kiwi, and the Kakapo, the world’s largest parrot. Some of the birds grew to enormous sizes, such as the now extinct Moa and Haast Eagle.

Unique Reptiles Of New Zealand

The only native reptiles in New Zealand are lizards (geckos and skinks). They are incredibly long living and give birth to live young!

Unique Amphibians Of New Zealand

The only native amphibians are 4 species of frog.  A couple of the things that make these frogs special is that they don’t croak, and don’t stick out their tongues to catch their prey.

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The weta is a cool insect.

Unique Insects Of New Zealand

New Zealand has an incredibly high percent of insects that live nowhere else in the world (90%)! Some of the cooler ones include the Wetas and Glowworm. 

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Unique Mammals Of New Zealand

New Zealand only has 2 native land mammals, both of which are bats.  This had a big impact on how other animals evolved because there were no predators.

Unique Fish Of New Zealand

About half of the 40 native New Zealand fish spend part of their life in the ocean and part in fresh water rivers.  The crazy thing is the time in the ocean is just after they are born.  Once they are old enough they journey back up rivers and streams, struggling past fishermen and some even climb up waterfalls! This annual journey of the juvenile fish is loved by fisherman who participate in white baiting.

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The Pohutukawa is a beautiful tree.

Unique Trees Of New Zealand

There are more than 250 native trees in New Zealand.  One of the most stunning is the Pohutukawa, which grows huge and is covered in red during December & January.

Unique Fungi Of New Zealand

It is estimated that New Zealand has 20,000 types of fungi, of which just under 6,000 have been named.  An easily recognized one is the Scarlet Flycap, which grows in conifer forests and around Fjordland National Park.