Manuka Or Kanuka – 3 Tips To Be Sure

A manuka tree and kanuka tree look very similar. Here are 3 tips to tell apart these native New Zealand trees, including the leaves, flowers, and height.

In my wanderings around New Zealand I’ve often come across a patch of short trees. I’ve come across these trees all over the country and was always confused about exactly what they were. Some people said they were manuka and other people swore they were kanuka. Manuka and kanuka look similar, but it turns out there are some easy ways to tell them apart.


Mnemonic To Remember The Tips

This is a simple mnemonic that I’ve come up with to help me remember the differences between the two trees.

Mister Sumo Likes Big Fat Sandwiches

Manuka Spiky Leaves Bigger Flowers Shorter

Look At The Leaves Of Manuka Or Kanuka

Kanuka – the leaves are very narrow and are soft to the touch.

The leaves of manuka are pointed at the tip. See how sharp this looks.

Manuka – the leaves are a bit broader and are pointed, making them sharp to touch. In other words, the tips of the leaves feel spiky.

Look At The Flowers Of Manuka Or Kanuka

The flowers on both of these small trees are similar in color and appearance. Both have mainly white flowers, with some bits of red or pink.

Size Of The Flowers

The main difference is just the size of them. The flowers of the manuka are almost as big as a one dollar gold coin. On the other hand the flowers of a kanuka are smaller than the one dollar gold coin.

Kanuka – the flowers are small (4 -5 mm).

Manuka – the flowers are much larger than Kanuka (about 10 – 12 mm).

Number Of Flowers

The flowers on kanuka grow in clusters. Look at how long the stamens are.

Kanuka – In addition to being small, the flowers also grow in clusters. This means that there are several flowers growing together in one spot.

A beautiful, single manuka flower. Look at how short the stamens are.

Manuka – These flowers grow alone. In other words, the flowers grow one here and one there.

Check Out The Length Of The Stamens

The stamens are the part of the flower that comes from the center and sticks up. It is a reproductive part of the flower.

Manuka – The stamens are shorter than the petals.

Kanuka – The stamens are longer than the petals.

When Does The Tree Flower?

Kanuka – Begins flowering in summer, around December. In general it flowers between November and February.

A flowering manuka is beautiful in the spring.

Manuka – Begins flowering in the spring, around October. In general it flowers from October to January.

Look At The Height Of Manuka Or Kanuka

Kanuka can grow quite tall.

Kanuka – is taller, growing up to 10 – 15 meters tall.

Manuka – generally is shorter than kanuka, growing up to 6 – 8 meters tall.